Yi Sun-Shin's Counter Picks
Yi Sun-Shin is strong Against

Yi Sun-Shin is weak Against

Yi Sun-Shin is strong Against

Yi Sun-Shin is weak Against

Tips for Yi Sun-Shin
Whatever You Do.. DONT DIE. And always Do something if your not attacking minions, farm110
his ultimate skill can steal opponent's buff, turtle, and lord that they attack during team fight123
You need an understanding team to play him. Feed him / Carry him .....and he will carry your team for mid game and end game.60
make him more attack speed item and physical attack item its nice63
Like with any marksman, he needs consistent and precise timing to dish out damage. His close-range basic attack is faster and reduces the cooldown of his first skill.30
use your ultimate every time there is a time fight.10
Yes must always play safe untill enemy tank dies or uses his cc skill10
Make sure you prioritize getting objectives not kills10
Pogi ko sobra putangina hehehehheehe12
Whatever You Do.. DONT DIE. And always Do something if your not attacking minions, farm110
his ultimate skill can steal opponent's buff, turtle, and lord that they attack during team fight123
You need an understanding team to play him. Feed him / Carry him .....and he will carry your team for mid game and end game.60
make him more attack speed item and physical attack item its nice63
Like with any marksman, he needs consistent and precise timing to dish out damage. His close-range basic attack is faster and reduces the cooldown of his first skill.30
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Yi Sun-Shin's Stats
Yi Sun-Shin's Abilities

Yi chooses his longbow or glaive to attack according to his distance from the target. Using skills or the glaive to attack will deal more damage and also slow them. A naval fleet will be summoned to the allied base and strengthen it. The hero can board the turtle ship beside the base periodically and get buffs.

Wields the glaive and slashes forwards while jumping backwards, dealing 160/190/220/250/280/310 pts of physical damage to enemies along the way and lowering their movement speed by 40%/40%/40%/40%/40%/40%, lasting 2/2/2/2/2/2s. When Yi is on the Turtle Ship, the ship will dash towards the target, dealing 200/235/270/305/340/375 pts of physical damage to the first enemy it collides with and other nearby enemies, stunning them for 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5s.

Shoots a piercing arrow at full strength, dealing 160/180/200/220/240/260 pts of physical damage to enemies as well as slowing them. The arrow's attack range and damage scales with charge time. The first enemy hit takes full damage, the next one takes 20%/20%/20%/20%/20%/20% less damage, and so on up to 40%/40%/40%/40%/40%/40% less damage. When charging, movement speed will be reduced slightly.

Orders the naval fleet to launch three-wave attacks of fire arrows. Each wave of attack will deal 165/225/285 pts of physical damage and will also slow the enemy.