Ruby's Counter Picks
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Ruby is weak Against

Ruby is strong Against

Ruby is weak Against

Tips for Ruby
ULT + Flicker = Sexy PRO looking CC4610
Cdr is also important for Ruby so she can lifesteal more and activate her passive more often4214
If you want a dmg Ruby, Assassin Emblem Talent High and Dry on Ruby will do the job. It is very useful for Ruby.216
If you are a playing a tank Ruby. Purify would be a good battle spell because you can't be interrupted when you are using your skills and can easily counter enemies with a lot of stun.130
Petrify is a very useful battle spell for Ruby. It will work well on Ruby's CC skills.2012
Try hitting as many targets to maximize her spell vamp. Ruby excel in team fight than 1vl. Focus CDR and life steal items.30
you should use a more tanky build for Ruby, dont forget to use brute force breastplate as your last item because it works well with her passive.20
Use haas Claw because Ruby is Strong when you use it and high life-stealing20
Purchase first minor item that have spell vamp for your first major item. During early game, utilize efficiently her skills not to spam it because it would end up you going to recall for mana.20
Last hit on minions. And as early as possible, buy items. When reached level 4, rotate and help in clash. Her skills are useful like that of a tank. (She stuns) Farm and get her fat.10
use flash if you are skilled enough as you can outplay enemies, but petrify is good enough if you aren't able to time the flash ult yet - ex-ruby main, 110 rounds with 71% win rate21
when using skills, there is an extra dodge. use that dodge to dodge the enemys' attacks10
Wings of apocalypse queen é um item indispensável pra Ruby Com esse item e o emblema tank que da mais 40 pts de def fisica e magica, ela fica um nojo. Alta durabilidade.10
best combo ruby: skill 1 dash forward after that and 3rd skill step back and 2nd skill10
When using ruby, only initiate whenever theres more than 1 enemy for better result.(If you already have good lifesteal). Don't spam skills, use it alternately so you will have more sustainability.10
Encountered a 3v1 situation? Don't panic try to maximize Ruby's Lifesteal by hitting many heroes and minions as possible. "What doesn't kill you, makes you even stronger! "10
Try using brute force breastplate instead of wings of apoc. And equip Bloodlust Axe, Haas, endless, and heptaseas. Use brute force breastplate for insane durability on 1v5.21
Flicker is better if you know how to flicker hook -Ruby main with 116 matches and 65.5% wr00
2024 ruby tip: Spell Vamp and cdr. Whatever your item, try to cap the 40% cdr at end game.00
If aurora on her rage (red bar), go away from her (from my gameplay)33
Ruby is the strongest hero in mobile legends bang bang00
Se tiver bastante itens de Ruby e com um bom time ainda mais se estiverem se comunicando será fácil contra qualquer um main Ruby 125 70% de vitória02
For more life steal, dmg and CD reduction i highly recommend Marksman emblem. Its very really good for ruby05
Ruby can also farm early game if needed16
Never build bloodlust axe on ruby cause it won't give spellvamp to her just build pure lifesteal to make her good sexy red hood bloodsucker17
ruby sucks that's a nice tip dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd329
Spell vamps don't work on Ruby, since she has her passive now. Instead, use lifesteal build, like Haas Claws, Endless Battle, etc. (just correct me if I'm wrong :>)2958
ULT + Flicker = Sexy PRO looking CC4610
Cdr is also important for Ruby so she can lifesteal more and activate her passive more often4214
If you want a dmg Ruby, Assassin Emblem Talent High and Dry on Ruby will do the job. It is very useful for Ruby.216
If you are a playing a tank Ruby. Purify would be a good battle spell because you can't be interrupted when you are using your skills and can easily counter enemies with a lot of stun.130
Petrify is a very useful battle spell for Ruby. It will work well on Ruby's CC skills.2012
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Ruby's Stats
Ruby's Abilities

Ruby's basic attack has no lifesteal, however her skills can get 125% physical lifesteal effect from equipment. After every skill casted, Ruby can jump to another place,increasing physical and magical defense for a short period of time (effects increases with level,up to 3 times). Ruby owns 5% physical lifesteal herself.

Quickly slashes in a frontal direction dealing 75/95/115/135/155/175 physical damage, at the same time releases a shockwave forwards, dealing 75/95/115/135/155/175 physical damage to enemies struck and reducing their movement speed for 2/2/2/2/2/2 sec.

Wields the giant scythe to attack twice. Every attack deals 40/60/80/100/120/140 pts of physical damage, stunning the enemy for 0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5s and slowly pulling the enemy towards the hero. Deals additional 30%/30%/30%/30%/30%/30% of damage to enemies in the outer ring.

Uses the scythe to attack horizontally in a wide range, dealing 205/340/475 pts of physical damage to hit enemies, pulling them to the hero's position and stunning them for 0.5/0.5/0.5s.