Hanabi's Counter Picks
Hanabi is strong Against

Hanabi is weak Against

Hanabi is strong Against

Hanabi is weak Against

Tips for Hanabi
If you are using Hanabi, you need to fight with your support, Don't attack the enemy if you're alone.339
Must build one lifesteal,berserker fury and other attackspeed item.But she is too weak to ass.Becareful on ur passive.4321
Always aim and time your 2nd and 3rd skills right. It’s pretty easy to dodge, but I recommend you aim the skills like a SECOND before the hero moves there.131
Spam 2nd skill. For farming, laning & for Hanabi's Mana. 2nd skill always hitting the enemy means Hanabi has all the Mana to 1st all the time early game.131
Must build at least 50% lifesteal..4342
Throw your Higanbana wisely or else the enemy can manage to escape from it. And also, always save your mana when using 1skill. Try to poke the enemy often so u can get an advantage00
duo up with a miya main , trust trust.00
-The more enemies hanabi hits with her skill 1 the more hp she recovers -Be careful when hitting heroes when near towers as tower will focus on you -Always have a shield before a fight00
Play support and don't attack by yourself on the early part of the game, make sure your passive is always activated (and the 40% movement along with it), farm if you can, and build your items.77
this is a build recommendation: swift boots golden staff windtalker sea halberd wind of nature (i forgot the last one)00
I'm not weak against any of this because I build hanabi with tank items00
SET: Build: Windtalker/ Berserker Fury/ Scarlet Phantom, Wind Of Nature / Demon Hunter/ Athena Shield Battle Spell: Flicker Emblem: Marksman (+3 crit damage, +3 movement, talent: electro flash)00
If you use Hanabi, try to increase your attack speed as much as possible. That's it.00
Shes weak against Belerick, not sure why he's not here00
fight very passively before getting your core items, like hit and run, except you have like a whole ass tank in front of you00
She's not viable in the current meta. Please choose another marksman. As of July 2021, Granger, Clint, Beatrix, Brody, Claude, Wanwan and Bruno are considered viable picks (Popol and Kupa excluded)13
just choose a better marksman bro..312
If you are using Hanabi, you need to fight with your support, Don't attack the enemy if you're alone.339
Must build one lifesteal,berserker fury and other attackspeed item.But she is too weak to ass.Becareful on ur passive.4321
Always aim and time your 2nd and 3rd skills right. It’s pretty easy to dodge, but I recommend you aim the skills like a SECOND before the hero moves there.131
Spam 2nd skill. For farming, laning & for Hanabi's Mana. 2nd skill always hitting the enemy means Hanabi has all the Mana to 1st all the time early game.131
Must build at least 50% lifesteal..4342
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Hanabi's Stats
Hanabi's Abilities

The Scarlet Shadow's secret technique. When Hanabi has full HP, 50% of health that would have been granted from lifesteal is converted into a shield for up to 20% of her MAX HP. When this shield is active, Hanabi is immune to all control effects.

Hanabi consumes mana to unleash the flower demon sealed within the Higanbana, firing petal blades at her enemies. After each basic attack hits, a new blade will spawn and deal 30% physical damage to the enemy. Fires 3 petals (damage has diminishing return with each hit). Passive: Hanabi gains 7% Lifesteal. which will increase by 3% each time this skill's level is upgraded.

Fires a kunai in the specified direction, attached to a scroll sealed with demonic flower energy. Deals 300(+80% Total Physical ATK) physical damage to enemies it hits along the way and slows them by 60% for 2s. Hanabi will recover 140 mana for each enemy hero hit.

When the flowers blossom, the leaves are forgotten. Hanabi completely unlcoks the Higanbana's seal and launches it at the enemy. After hitting an enemy, the Higabana blooms, dealing 400(+100% Total Physical ATK) physical damage and immobilizing them for 2s, then spreads to nearby enemies. After a certain period of time, if the enemy is still within range of the Higanbana, a new flower will appear, causing the same damage and immobilization effect. The spreading effect only works once per hero.