Aurora's Counter Picks
Aurora is strong Against

Aurora is weak Against

Aurora is strong Against

Aurora is weak Against

Tips for Aurora
Stack 4 unit of Frost Energy. Hide in bushes. Look for low HP enemies (ie Marksmen, Mages, low def Fighters and Assassins). Use Skill 2 to immediately freezes enemy, then Skill 3 then Skill 1.120
Beware of natalia and helcurt. But no fret, team up with a CC ally but keep distance so that both of u don't get silenced.30
Avoid harith and hanabi - their unexpected shields can be your doom. Stay in the bush until enemies have used up their dash, shields, and/or ulti. Although, first to strike always wins.10
Freeze grock only when he is away from the wall. Look out for lolita's shield. Check which enemy has aegis or winter truncheon. Penetration is ur bread & butter.10
Low hp, slow move, easy to kill. But she has good damage and crowd control skill. No need to hard farming, just assist and kill.11
Build "Winter Truncheon" ignore damage when chased (ie : Hayabusa, Natalia, Aldous), when chased lure the enemy to your closest allies, and when your hp low, use it then counter them with your allies02
Stack 4 unit of Frost Energy. Hide in bushes. Look for low HP enemies (ie Marksmen, Mages, low def Fighters and Assassins). Use Skill 2 to immediately freezes enemy, then Skill 3 then Skill 1.120
Beware of natalia and helcurt. But no fret, team up with a CC ally but keep distance so that both of u don't get silenced.30
Avoid harith and hanabi - their unexpected shields can be your doom. Stay in the bush until enemies have used up their dash, shields, and/or ulti. Although, first to strike always wins.10
Freeze grock only when he is away from the wall. Look out for lolita's shield. Check which enemy has aegis or winter truncheon. Penetration is ur bread & butter.10
Low hp, slow move, easy to kill. But she has good damage and crowd control skill. No need to hard farming, just assist and kill.11
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Aurora's Stats
Aurora's Abilities

Each time the skill is released, one unit of frost energy will be added to hero, when 4 units of frost energy is collected, the next skill damage will freeze the target. All skills can cause extra magic damage to the frozen target.

Fires forward a Frost Energy Missile, when it hits the enemy it will detonate and deal 300/360/420/480/540/600 pts of radial Magic Damage and slow enemies down.

Deals 430/510/590/670/750/830 magic damage at specified target and causes target's movement speed to drop 80%/80%/80%/80%/80%/80% for 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5s.

Summons a giant icy rock to bombard a designated target location, all enemy heroes hit will be slowed down and receive 900/1100/1300 pts of Magic Damage. Surrounding enemies of the target location where the rock lands also will be slowed down and receive 450/550/650 pts of Magic Damage.